ATC to navigate 225 obstacles around Navi Mumbai airport, runway threshold adjusted |

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ATC to navigate 225 obstacles around Navi Mumbai airport, runway threshold adjusted
To accommodate these hurdles, a ‘displaced threshold’ on runway 26 has been implemented, requiring aircraft to consider a point 600m down the runway as the starting point for landings from the east.

MUMBAI: The Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) has listed about 225 obstacles at the Navi Mumbai airport. The AIP gives information on the type of obstacle, its elevation, and location in coordinates.
While it was known that the Navi Mumbai airport has obstacles along the approach path, the details of the extent of the hurdles and their relative location to the runway are now out with the AIP.


For instance, a particular building’s dish antenna (36.3 metre), grill top (35.8m), staircase room top (34.9m), hoarding top (34m), and parapet wall (31.4m) are listed as obstructions. Among the other obstructions listed are a pipe top, a design top, a ladder top, and so on.
What does this mean for flights operating into the Navi Mumbai airport? The obstacles have been accounted for with a ‘displaced threshold’ on runway 26.
What it means is that the physical beginning of the runway is not considered the starting point of the runway. For aircraft coming in from the east to land on runway 26, a point 600m down the runway is considered its starting point.
“The air traffic control would have to deal with the restrictions that come with the terrain and obstructions around. They will have restricted manoeuvring space for the aircraft coming in to land and taking off; it will be cramped,” said Capt Amit Singh, an air safety expert.
A statement by Navi Mumbai International Airport Pvt Ltd spokesperson said, “AIP takes us a step further towards receiving the aerodrome license essential to operationalise the airport.”

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