When you think you are the river you become the ocean yourself!

Untitled design 75 7 World Breaking News

Think of yourself as a river

A channel that is moving ahead

Descending from the mountain glaciers

Purity and simplicity is what you spread


Now the path is not a straight line

You have ups and downs above sharp rocks

You think of drying up yourself

Due to all you face as shock


When you move by, you fear

My significant water that once was

Oceans and seas is to what it’ll steer


You see lakes and ponds

Stagnant and still

And wonder

How I wish I could do upon my will


You pass through every state and county

Where the grass is lush and green

You help so many people

Yet receive no bounty


But when you spill into the ocean

You think I have grown small

But remember it is the ocean you have become yourself

God rewards you for your fall


You purify your sediments

Become whole with that power

You now blend in a bigger one

At this should you cower?


So whenever you feel

Everything is going wrong

Remember you are God’s puppet

An actor in the show for long!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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